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​ is a platform that allows you to complete surveys, enter data, test apps and click through ads to earn a many different types of cryptocurrency coins.  You can sign up by clicking on the link below, entering your information and verifying your email address.



Below, I go over some thoughts to consider when selecting which coins to target and my favorite three earning activities; Surveys, Data Entry, and Ad Clicking.


Coin Selection

​ has a huge selection of coins to choose from.  I generally look for two main criteria when choosing which coins to earn; low transaction fees and a coin I can transfer to use on another platform.  Generally, I select either Beancash (Bitb) or Reddcoin (RDD).  These both have very low transaction fees and I can transfer them to BTCPOP where they will stake and earn additional coins.  Sometimes I will also select Burstcoin (BURST) to supplement my farming activities.  Burstcoin has a slightly higher transaction fee, but I use this network and don’t mind the additional income.  Selecting coins with high transaction fees, like Bitcoin (BTC), will cause you to burn much of your earnings withdrawing your coins.  In the end, it is up to you to decide which coins you want to target.





Now let’s earn some coins!!  There are many different ways to earn coins, but I focus primarily on just three different activities; Surveys, Data Entry, and Ad Clicking.  These are the three activities that I found give me the highest rate of successfully receiving rewards.  I generally stay away from activities that require me to pay money, provide personal information, or are so difficult that you spend significant time on them and rarely earn any rewards.




Surveys can be a mixed bag when complete them, but they can have high reward amounts.  You generally have to go through a pre-selection survey prior to being accepted for the rewards survey, which can cause you to spend a lot of time trying to find surveys that you qualify for.  Surveys by PeanutLabs will sometimes give you 1 reward point when you are disqualified in the pre-survey questions, so I try to focus on this survey provider to maintain my sanity.  Make sure that you give truthful answers in your survey results, because it seems they maintain a profile on you and tracking to see if you are trying to cheat the system.


Data Entry


Data entry is probably one of the easiest ways to earn rewards.  When you log into the data entry platform you be provided a few rules on how to deal with different types of data, so make sure you read the information.  While data entry isn’t earning huge amounts of coin, it does allow you to manage how much time you devote to earning.  If you just have a few minutes at a time to work on earning coins, this will be a great place to start.




Ad-clicking can be found under Adwall in the Earn Offers section.  I sort the offers by easiest and then select a slide show to click through.  This is probably one of the more annoying ways to earn coins and I generally only do this on my phone while sitting on the couch watching TV.  I can mind numbingly click through the website while also partially watching whatever is one the tube.  Earnings are pretty low here, but might as well earn some coin while already wasting time. Image.PNG
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